DSLR full meaning | ডিএসএলআর এর ফুল ফর্ম কি | dslr full form

Hello (digital SLR or DSLR) lover, most of the people in the world has a personal or business DSLR camera. We call them Photographer who has camera. Have you ever though what is the full form of dslr? Or question what is the meaning of dslr?{getToc} $title={dslr full meaning}

In this post, we will discuss about dslr full meaning.

dslr full meaning

dslr full meaning | dslr full form

What is the Full form of DSLR?

Digital Single Lens Reflex

Let's test what do you learn form this post about dslr full form?


What is the Full form of DSLR?

  • Digital Single Len Reflex
  • Digital Signal Lens Reflex
  • Digital Single Lens Relaxion 
  • Digital Single Lens Reflex
Give the MCQ answer in the comment section below.


প্রিয় পাঠকবৃন্দ দি সুন্দর এর পক্ষ থেকে আপনাকে জানাই শুভেচ্ছা এবং সালাম আসসালামু আলাইকুম। নতুন নতুন তথ্যবহুল ও মজার তথ্য পেতে দি সুন্দরের সাথেই থাকুন। youtube linkedin instagram facebook twitter pinterest

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